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We aim to accomplish the value of shared growth
and improve the quality of life by making tomorrow a better place


We aim to go above and beyond compliance to contribute to
safety and environmental protection for customers and stakeholders
Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

Miwon Specialty Chemicals Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Miwon”) establishes the code of ethics to be used as the standard for correct behavior and value judgment by all employees and pledges to practice it.

Responsibilities and Obligations to Customers

Respect for Customers

1. We dedicate to maximizing customer satisfaction through customer respect.
2. We always prioritize customer satisfaction in management and respect customers’ opinions.
3. We accommodatecustomers’ legitimate requests promptly and accurately.

Creation of Customer Value

1. We provide optimal products that meet customer needs and expectations.
2. We supportcustomers’success through continuous product development and quality improvement.

Protection of Customer Interests

1. We strive to grow togetherby protecting the interests of our customers.
2. Do not act unfairly to customers.
3. If there is a legitimate request for the exchange or return of a product by customers, we will promptly respond and take proper action.
4. Without prior consent from the customers, we prohibit using customer information for other purposes or providing it to third parties.

Fair Competition

Respect for Free Market Economic Order

1. In accordance with the principle of free competition, we respect the order of market competition in all domestic and international regions and earn customers’ trust and competitiveness through technology, quality, and service.

Compliance with Laws

1. We conduct all domestic and international business activities in compliance with all laws and regulations of applicable countries and respecting transaction customs.
2. We do not engage in any acts that violate domestic and international fairtrade laws and regulations.

Fair Trade

Fair Trade Procedures

1. All trades must be made in a just and fair manner.
2. We go through mutually sufficient consultations on tradeterms and procedures.

Prohibition of Unjust Acts

1. We do not receive money, valuables, entertainment, hospitality, or convenience by using a superior position related to work.
2. We prohibit any abuse using one’s superior position to force or influence unjust behavior.

Pursuit of Mutual Development

1. We pursue shared growth based on mutual trust and cooperation through fair trade.
2. we work together to create a transparent trade culture by trying our best to maintain fair trade order.

Fundamental Principles of Ethics for Employees

Fundamental Ethics

1. We always maintain our integrity and sincere attitude.
2. We always strive to upholdindividual dignity and the company’s honor based on high ethical values.
3. We do our best to legitimately carry out our assigned duties and comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
4. We maintain the company's property well and protect the company's secrets acquired in the course of business.
5. We work efficiently through active cooperation and smooth communication between colleagues and related departments.
6. We strive to cultivate the ability to lead the company through continuous self-development.
7. We prohibit any act or relationship that conflicts with the interests of the company and the individual.
8. We do not use any company property for personal benefits.

Fair Business Conduct

1. We work diligently and perform our duties honestly and fairly. 2. We conduct all tasks impartially and do not violate laws, internal regulations and guidelines, and commercial customs.
3. We do not receive any form of economic benefit from stakeholders that may undermine work-related fairness.
4. In relation to work and daily life, we do not engage in unethical behavior that is not accepted by social conventions.
5. Superiors cannot give subordinates work instructions that do not conform to the laws, internal regulations and guidelines, and commercial customs. If there is such an instruction, the subordinates may refuse to perform duties, and he or she will not be penalized even if he/she reports such information to the company (e.g., the head of each department, the department in charge of ethical management, etc.).
6. If there is any disadvantage in status or discrimination in working conditions against a person reporting or cooperating with an act that violates ethical management, including Paragraph 5, the employee can request the head of each department or the department in charge of ethical management to take measures to guarantee oneself' status. Then, the head of each department and the department in charge of ethical management should take appropriate measures to guarantee the status when the disposition is recognized as unsuitable through an investigation.

Prohibition of Receiving Money and Hospitality

1. We do not receive money, gifts, or hospitality from stakeholders such as business partners.
2. In relation to company business, we do not provide money, gifts, orhospitality beyond the scope of social conventions to stakeholders such as business partners.
3. We do not give or receive money, valuables, excessive gifts, or hospitality between employees.

Prohibition of monetary transactions and solicitations between executives and employees

1. We prohibit in principle money loans, joint guarantees, and mutual guarantees between employees.
2. We do not engage in all forms of solicitations between employees or receive any form of economic benefit in exchange for solicitations.

Prohibition on Use of Inside Information

1. We do not engage in unfair trade practices by using internal information acquired during the business.
2. We do not provide insider information to a third party without due process.

Mutual Respect

1. All employees recognize their dignity and value as human beings and contribute to building a healthy corporate culture through mutual respect.
2. We practice mutual respect with courtesy.
3. We do not engage in any acts that may cause pain or disgust to the other person.
4. We forbid any form of speaking that may disparage the other person.
5. We do not discriminate based on gender, religion, race, age, nationality, etc.

Sexual Harassment Prohibition

1. We prohibit engaging in any sexual harassment by using one’s superior position or relationship in and outside of the workplace.
2. We should not cause discomfort through intentional or unnecessary physical contact.
3. We should not make sexual analogies or evaluations of the body to other employees.
4. We should not use words or actions that cause sexual shame to others or emphasize fixed gender roles.
5. Measures against sexual harassment are in accordance with relevant regulations.

Responsibilities for Employees

Respect for Employees

1. Miwon respects all employees as independent personalities with trust and affection on an equal footing.
2. Miwon is committed to motivating all employees can achieve pride and satisfaction based on a sense of ownership.
3. Miwon establishes a system that allows employees to perform their duties in a legitimate way.
4. Miwon actively supports the development of employees' abilities and nurtures talents from a long-term perspective.
5. Miwon respects individual privacy and strives to build a mature organizational culture based on mutual trust and understanding.

Fair Treatment

1. We provide equal work opportunities according to the ability and qualifications of employees.
2. We evaluate the abilities and achievements of employees based on fair standards and reward them accordingly.
3. We provide equal opportunities to improve the capabilities of our employees.

Responsibilities to the Country and Society

Right Business Activities

1. We exclude all acts that hinder sound business activities.
2. We conduct all domestic and abroad business activities while respecting the social values of the region.

Protection of Shareholders' Interests

1. We faithfully protect shareholders' investment returns through transparent and sound corporate activities.
2. We respect shareholders' right to know, legitimate demands, and suggestions; we develop a transparent management system based on trust with shareholders.

Contribution to Social Development

1. We contribute to national and social development by utilizing profits and corporate value created through fair trade.
2. We contribute to national development through job creation and faithful tax payment.

Environmental Protection

1. We are committed to preventing environmental pollution and protecting nature to preserve a clean environment.
2. We comply with all laws and regulations related to environmental protection.

Prohibition of Involvement in Political Activities

1. We prohibit using the company's assets, workforce, facilities, etc. for political purposes.
2. We respect individual political rights and decisionsbut refrain from political activities within the company.
3. We do not provide money or valuables such as illegal donations.


Enactment date

1. These regulations are enacted and enforced from January 01, 2022.

Product Stewardship

Product Stewardship

1. Registering existing substances/new substances

Miwon markets its product in accordance with the national and regional regulations of applicable countries. In particular, Miwon is committed to complying with the following regulations.

  • • Korea (REACH)
  • • Europe (REACH)
  • • United States (TSCA)
  • • Canada (DSL, NDSL)
  • • Turkey (KKDIK)
  • • United Kingdom (REACH)
  • • China (IECSC)
  • • Australia (AICS)
  • • New Zealand (NZIOC)

2. Complying with Globally Harmonized System (GHS)

Miwon provides customers with Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) that comply with the United Nations GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals) per each country's relevant legislation and regulatory framework.

We continuously assess new information and regulatory requirement changes to update SDSs and labels.

Conflict Mineral Policy

Conflict Mineral Policy

As required by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted annual disclosure requirements related to conflict minerals originating from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and its nine neighboring countries, requiring SEC registrants who manufacture or contract to manufacture products containing “conflict minerals” that are “necessary to the functionality or production” of such products to disclose the origin and status of the conflict minerals.These certain minerals are defined by US legislation as tantalum (columbite-tantalite), tin (cassiterite), tungsten (wolframite), and gold.

As a non-US publicly traded company, Miwon Specialty Chemical Co., Ltd. (Miwon) is not bounded to comply with any disclosure requirements of the U.S. SEC. However, as a responsible company in the supply chain, Miwon is committed to supporting customers in their compliance with the Act.In the pre-validation process, Miwon requires our suppliers that supply products containing "conflict minerals" to provide the origin and status of the conflict minerals. Upon request, Miwon provides customers with information on whether the products supplied by Miwon contain “conflict minerals”.

Miwon reviews our raw materials based on our best knowledge and will continuously investigate our supply chain to avoid using raw materials that have reason to believe originate from the DRC and other neighboring countries that cause human rights violations or funding such violations.

Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Policy

Miwon Specialty Chemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Miwon") complies with international human rights standards, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Miwon aims to implement human rights management by supporting the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the labor principles ratified by the government.

Fundamental Principles

1. Prohibition of Harassment

Miwon respects the rights of all employees as individuals. Any verbal, physical, or visual behaviors that may offend others, including sexual harassment that violates individual human rights, are prohibited.

2. Prohibition of Forced Labor

Miwon prohibits involuntary labor or unreasonable restraint on mental or physical freedom, including human trafficking, and does not permit to conclude a forced labor contract.

3. Prohibition of Child Labor

Miwon strictly prohibits child labor under the age of 15. With regard to the prohibition, Miwon complies with the working conditions for minors and the minimum age standards specified in international labor standards and the labor laws of applicable countries.

4. Compliance with Working Hours and Conditions

For all the employees, Miwon abides by the working hours and conditions, such as the subscription to social security and provision of rest and vacations, and guarantees the minimum wage specified in the labor laws.

5. Prohibition of Discrimination

Miwon does not discriminate in terms and conditions, such as employment, promotion, education, compensation, and welfare benefits, based on race, nationality, gender, age, educational background, religion, region of origin, disability, marital status, or gender identity. In addition, Miwon evaluates the employees’ capabilities and performances based on fair standards and applies differentiated compensation accordingly.

6. Establishment of Developmental Labor-Management Relations

Miwon guarantees the employees the right and freedom to communicate with the company to cultivate a healthy organizational culture, complies with the Constitution and labor laws, which are the basis of our human rights policy, and strives to respect and protect the rights of all employees.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct

Miwon Specialty Chemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Miwon") establishes the 'Supplier Code of Conduct’ (hereinafter referred to as “Code of Conduct”) based on social responsibilities and legal requirements that business partners (hereinafter referred to as "Suppliers") supplying products and services to Miwon must comply with. Accordingly, Miwon expects our suppliers to fully comply with applicable laws and adhere to internationally recognized environmental, social, and corporate governance standards.

1. Suppliers must conduct all domestic and overseas business activities equitably by complying with all laws and regulations of applicable countries and respecting trade customs.

2. Suppliers should provide a safe and healthy working environment to all employees and related persons and take appropriate measures to prevent exposure to potential safety hazards.

3. Employment of minors under the age of 15 is strictly prohibited. If employees under the age of 18 are hired, suppliers should exclude them from jobs with high risks related to their safety and health.

4. Suppliers should comply with the working conditions specified in labor laws and regulations of applicable countries and regions.

5. Suppliers should respect all employees’ dignity and value as human beings and should not discriminate based on race, nationality, gender, age, educational background, religion, region of origin, disability, marital status, or gender identity.

6. Suppliers should not engage in any sexual harassment and prohibit any abuse by using one’s superior position or relationship in the workplace.

7. Suppliers should not offer or receive money, gifts, or hospitality from our business partners.

8. Suppliers should protect the personal information of all business-related individuals, including suppliers, customers, consumers, and employees, and comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

9. Suppliers should respect stakeholders' right to know and accommodate their legitimate demands and suggestions. Suppliers must maintain a transparent management system based on trust with stakeholders.

10. Suppliers should participate in contributions to national and social development by utilizing profits and corporate value generated through fair trade.

11. Suppliers should preserve a clean environment by preventing environmental pollution and should comply with legal obligations.

Hotline to report compliance violations

Hotline to report compliance violations

If you see any misconduct of Miwon's employees and stakeholders, please report it so that we can investigate it thoroughly. Any concerns or suggestions on wrong practices and policies in terms of ethical management can be submitted confidentially by the various channels below.

  • location_city


    20 Poeun-daero 59 beon-gil,
    Suji-gu, Yongin-si,
    Gyeonggi-do, 16864, Korea
  • mail

  • call



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